The Harris County Friends of the Library (HCFOL) is having a fundraiser during Library Lovers Month (February). The fundraiser will support the Authorama program the Library features in the summer. HCFOL works with the Harris County Public Library’s innovative Authorama program bringing authors to their audience through virtual book talks. HCFOL works to support all Friends’ groups in the Harris County Library community.
HCFOL has always believed Jorge Luis Borges (poet and short storywriter) when he said, “I have always imagined that Paradise will be a kind of library.”
This is a library lover’s best gift! Surprise your favorite valentine by donating in their name any time between February 1st through 14th in support of this exciting program.
There are three easy ways to donate:
1. Text YOURFRIEND to 44-321
2. Go to our website, hcfol.org
3. Send a check made out to: HCFOL to Harris County Public Library, 5749 South Loop East, Houston, TX 77033
The link below will take you to 2020 Authorama event details.
In the words of Emily Dickinson, “… There is no Frigate like a Book to take us Lands away”.