Did you know that the Friends Bookstore is entirely run by volunteers? Get involved and help support your local library! For information on bookstore volunteer opportunities, contact our Volunteer Coordinator, Terry Stoops, at tstoops1@comcast.net.
We also sell books on Amazon as part of our fundraising efforts. To volunteer to help with Amazon online sales, contact Kathy Viscariello at 832-755-1125 or by email at ky123@yahoo.com.
If you have books you would like to donate, bring them by! We accept all gently used books (no magazines, cassettes or VHS tapes, please). The bookstore is typically open when the library is open (if volunteers are available to staff it). All money raised by the Friends Bookstore, along with Amazon online sales, support our wonderful Seabrook library. Donations can be brought to the bookstore during normal operating hours. Please call ahead for large donations so that we can arrange for storage.